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Successful Query Letters - How to Write an Agent Query

Successful Query Letters – How to Write a Great Query

Audio Training About Query Letters that Have Been Successful - How to Write an Agent QuerySuccessful Query Letters – The only thing stopping you from getting a top literary agent (and book deal with a major publisher) might not be your book–it could be your query letter. But how do you write an agent query that sweeps the most eligible literary agents off their feet and gets them fighting over the opportunity to represent you? This free query letter training by a former NY Times bestselling literary agent explains.

This training is for you whether you’re about to write your first agent query, or you’ve already received lots of rejections. Some authors (who’ve gotten NO positive responses from literary agents and/or hundreds of rejections) have written new Query Letters that Worked …resulting in full manuscript requests, representation offers from top literary agencies, and book deals with major publishers.

IMPORTANT: This training has tips and strategies NOT included
in our Free 15-part How to Write a Query Letter Article Series.

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Successful Query Letters MP3

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audio training you’ll discover:

Successful Query Letters – Bonus

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Successful Query Letters – Author Biography

Mark Malatesta is the founder of The Bestselling Author™ helping authors of all book genres (fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books), around the world, at all stages of development, to write, publish, and market their books. However, Mark specializes in books with bestseller or high commercial potential.

Mark Malatesta is a former literary agency President, AAR member, and former Marketing & Licensing Manager of Blue Mountain Arts (the book and gift publisher that invented e-greetings, and then sold their e-card division for close to $1 billion). Mark’s authors have gotten 6-figure advances, been on the NY Times bestseller list, and had their work picked up for TV, stage, and feature film with companies like Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks resulting in millions of books being sold.

To help authors achieve their goals The Bestselling Author™ has many popular author websites. We also offer a free weekly newsletter, insider articles, audio and video training, opportunities to ask questions online, 1-on-1 coaching, live events, and educational products. After you listen to this Successful Query Letters audio training, make sure you also click here for FREE INSTANT ACCESS to our free 15-part Article Series Titled How to Write a Query Letter.

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